¥Addons & Plugins
SequelizeGuard - Sequelize 的基于角色、权限的授权。
¥SequelizeGuard - Role, Permission based Authorization for Sequelize.
¥Auto Code Generation & Scaffolding
流星建模师 - 用于可视化定义 Sequelize 模型和关联的桌面工具。
¥meteor modeler - Desktop tool for visual definition of Sequelize models and associations.
sequelize-ui - 用于构建模型、关系等的在线工具。
¥sequelize-ui - Online tool for building models, relations and more.
sequelizer - 用于生成 Sequelize 模型的 GUI 桌面应用。支持 Mysql、Mariadb、Postgres、Sqlite、Mssql。
¥sequelizer - A GUI Desktop App for generating Sequelize models. Support for Mysql, Mariadb, Postgres, Sqlite, Mssql.
sequelize-auto 通过命令行为 SequelizeJS 生成模型是另一种选择。
¥sequelize-auto Generating models for SequelizeJS via the command line is another choice.
pg-generator - 自动生成/支架 PostgreSQL 数据库的 Sequelize 模型。
¥pg-generator - Auto generate/scaffold Sequelize models for PostgreSQL database.
用于组成 sequelize 模型的 sequelizejs-decorators 装饰器
¥sequelizejs-decorators decorators for composing sequelize models
hatchify - 模式驱动的 Node CRUD API 和 React Web UI,包括基于 Sequelize 的 ORM。
¥hatchify - Schema driven Node CRUD API and React Web UI including Sequelize based ORM.
sequelize-autoload - Sequelize 的自动加载器,灵感来自 PSR-0 和 PSR-4。
¥sequelize-autoload - An autoloader for Sequelize, inspired by PSR-0 and PSR-4.
sequelize-bcrypt - 将 bcrypt 集成到后续模型中的实用程序
¥sequelize-bcrypt - Utility to integrate bcrypt into sequelize models
sequelize-browser - 与 Web 浏览器兼容的 Sequelize 版本
¥sequelize-browser - A web-browser-compatible build of Sequelize
sequelize-transforms - 添加可配置的属性转换。
¥sequelize-transforms - Add configurable attribute transforms.
¥Fixtures / mock data
sequelize-hierarchy - Sequelize 的嵌套层次结构。
¥sequelize-hierarchy - Nested hierarchies for Sequelize.
¥Historical records / Time travel
sequelize-temporal - 时态表(又名历史记录)
¥sequelize-temporal - Temporal tables (aka historical records)
kysely-sequelize - 一个工具包(方言、类型转换器等),允许将现有的 Sequelize 实例与 Kysely 一起使用。
¥kysely-sequelize - A toolkit (dialect, type translators, etc.) that allows using your existing Sequelize instance with Kysely.
sequelize-joi - 允许在 Sequelize 中为模型属性指定 Joi 验证架构。
¥sequelize-joi - Allows specifying Joi validation schema for model attributes in Sequelize.
sequelizemm - 用于从模型生成迁移脚本的 CLI 工具
¥sequelizemm - CLI tool to generate a migration script from models
sequelize-slugify - 添加 slugs 来 sequelize 模型
¥sequelize-slugify - Add slugs to sequelize models
sequelize-tokenify - 添加独特的标记来 sequelize 模型
¥sequelize-tokenify - Add unique tokens to sequelize models
sequelize-deep-update - 使用新属性更新 sequelize 实例及其包含的关联实例。
¥sequelize-deep-update - Update a sequelize instance and its included associated instances with new properties.
sequelize-noupdate-attributes - 不向模型添加更新/只读属性支持。
¥sequelize-noupdate-attributes - Adds no update/readonly attributes support to models.
sqlcommenter-sequelize 带有 支持 Sequelize 的 sqlcommenter 插件,可使用注释来增强 SQL 语句,稍后可使用注释将应用代码与 SQL 语句关联起来。
¥sqlcommenter-sequelize A sqlcommenter plugin with support for Sequelize to augment SQL statements with comments that can be used later to correlate application code with SQL statements.
automated-express-backend - 具有 API 运行时生成功能的示例 Sequelize 后端
¥automated-express-backend - Sample Sequelize Backend with runtime generation of API
@rematter/paranoid-sql - 添加条件以验证行未被软删除。
¥@rematter/paranoid-sql - Add conditions to verify rows are not soft deleted.
@rematter/sequelize-paranoid-delete - 使用偏执模式时启用 onDelete。
¥@rematter/sequelize-paranoid-delete - Enables onDelete when using paranoid mode.
@hatchifyjs/sequelize-create-with-associations - 自动创建、批量创建和更新彼此有关系的记录,无需额外代码。
¥@hatchifyjs/sequelize-create-with-associations - Automatically creates, bulkCreates and updates records that have relationships to each other without extra code.